Unsorted helpful information about Adobe AEM

Knowledge base / Microblog about software development related things by Hans-Peter Störr

Unsorted helpful information about Adobe AEM

Created 24-09-2023, last change 07-11-2023

Documentation within the product

In the JCR you find various .rst files, which document many components etc. In .jsp files there are comments like


that give a nice documentation of the component. Many of the Javascript files are also nicely commented, so it pays to look at the source.

Sling Context Aware Configuration

Mini tutorial video incl. editor Don’t forget to put the new template into cq:allowedTemplates in the site; sling:configRef properties have to be added by hand. Or perhaps just add page(s) referring a cfg template:

<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>

Bugs, weird stuff

Releasing with

The AEM archetype has in ui.all an auto-clean execution of the maven-clean-plugin for some reason. When doing a mvn release:prepare this leads to a weird [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-gpg-plugin:3.0.1:sign (sign-artifacts) on project ui-ai. all: The project artifact has not been assembled yet. Please do not invoke this goal before the lifecycle phase “ package”.