How to open files in IntelliJ from the MacOS command line

Knowledge base / Microblog about software development related things by Hans-Peter Störr

How to open files in IntelliJ from the MacOS command line

Created 22-08-2023, last change 24-08-2023

There is a nice way to do that with the following shell script. If the argument is a file, it will open that in the current project. But if it’s a directory, it’ll create a new project containing that directory as root, so be careful whether that’s actually what you want.

  exec open -a 'IntelliJ IDEA' "$@"

Second possibility: IntelliJ has a program for that that has some more features (diff, merge, format etc.), but is more difficult to call:

# compare also

if [[ "$#" -eq 0 || "$1" == "--help" ]]; then
  echo "Additional usage see"
  echo "Editor additional arg: --line 42"
  echo "Wait: --wait"

exec "/Applications/IntelliJ" "$@" 2>&1 | fgrep -v 'idea[' | fgrep -v use-idea-classloader | fgrep -v FilePartNodeRoot.trieDescend

# doesn't work: exec open -a "IntelliJ" --args "$@"